Useful Forms

The forms below may be read and printed ahead of time, then signed at the initial session after you have discussed them with your spiritual companion.

Informed Consent Form
  1. Meetings: We will meet bimonthly for one hour and the cost is _______________ to be paid at meeting time. These monies are paid directly to __________________________________ either by cheque or by cash donation. An income tax receipt is available for donations over $10.00. No one in need of spiritual direction will be turned away because of one’s inability to pay. Your own hourly wage is acceptable.
  2. Confidentiality: What is said in the meeting stays in the meeting room, except for the following: 1) Harm to self or others, 2) Child abuse or neglect, 3) Elder Abuse or neglect, 4) Domestic violence, 5) Unknowing sexual contact with HIV person.
  3. Spiritual accompaniment is not psychotherapy: therefore I am not qualified to respond to crisis, and have made no provision to be contacted after hours. I am able to refer you to an agency or another individual should you need this.
  4. I keep no records, except for my journal, for my own use, which is kept in a locked cabinet and confidential from others.
  5. My training and experience: I completed a two-year program in spiritual direction from the Pacific Jubilee Program at Naramata Education Centre in 2012. I have a Masters of Education from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, U of T and a Masters of Theological Studies from St. Stephen’s College, U of A. I have completed over 1500 hours working in acute care, hospice, children’s hospital, rehabilitation, and residential care in the field of Spiritual Health (Chaplaincy). I am also trained in Healing Pathways.
  6. I adhere to the Code of Ethics for Spiritual Directors , and the CASC Code of Ethics for those who are spiritual but not religious. I will make copies of these codes of ethics for your review if you are unable to access the sites.
  7. My faith tradition is the United Church of Canada. I am open to all faith traditions and worldviews.  I believe that we are in constant dynamic transformation with the world around us.  Divine presence is appreciated as something in, through, and around us that is in continuous, creative change.  Life is fundamental oneness and energy operates open-endedly as a creative resonance of wonder, awe, probabilities and unpredictability.  I embrace uncertainty and ambiguity.  I believe that we have the capacity to create order through the process of acceptance, inclusion and transcendence.  Life can present us with challenges, yet out of these difficult times come creative possibilities never imagined. In spiritual accompaniment, space is held non-invasively, so that divine presence resonates and allows the possibility of emergence.
  8. Beginning the Process: Initially we will have a conversation to determine if spiritual accompaniment is for you (Please see Initial Spiritual Accompaniment Meeting Questions). If you are committed to the process, we will contract for a period of three months to meet every two weeks or for 6 sessions. At the end of this period we will evaluate the process to determine if the spiritual accompaniment relationship is useful to you.  You are free to terminate the relationship at any time should you wish to do so.

Signature: _____________________________________________________        Print Name: _____________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________


There is no fixed charge for Spiritual Direction; however, I suggest the equivalent of one hour’s wage for each hour of direction, or that you make a donation for each session according to your means.

Informed Consent for On-line Spiritual Accompaniment

 Prior to starting online services, we discussed and agreed to the following:

  1. There are potential benefits and risks of online services (e.g., limits to client confidentiality) that differ from in-person sessions.
  2. Confidentiality still applies for online services, and no one will record the session without the permission from the other person(s).
  3. We agree to use a video-conferencing platform selected for our virtual sessions, and the spiritual companion will explain how to use it if necessary.
  4. You need to use a webcam or smartphone during the session.
  5. It is important to use a secure internet connection rather than public/free Wi-Fi.
  6. It is important to be on time.  If you need to cancel or change your online appointment, please notify your spiritual companion in advance by phone or email no later than 24 hours before your appointment time.
  7. We need a back-up plan (i.e., phone number where you can be reached) to restart the session or to reschedule, in the event of technical problems.
  8. As your spiritual companion, I may determine that due to certain circumstances, online services are no longer appropriate and that we should resume our sessions in-person.

Companion Name/Signature: _________________________________________________________________

Directee Name/Signature: ____________________________________________________________________          

Date: ____________________

Initial Spiritual Accompaniment Meeting Questions: That you may want to ponder
  1. What are your wants, hopes and needs in spiritual accompaniment?
  1. Explain your religious or spiritual beliefs.
  1. What biases, values and world views do you have that are important for me to know?
  1. What have been your experiences with counselling and spiritual accompaniment in the past?
  1. Can you share about those events that have most influenced your spirituality?
  1. Who has most influenced your spiritual growth and development up to this time in your life?
  1. How did you come to the decision to seek spiritual accompaniment at this time?
  1. What are your spiritual practices and how have they changed?
  1. What is it you most need from me as a spiritual guide?
Request/Authorization to Release Confidential Records and Information

I hereby authorize (Person or facility):

Name: ______________________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________

Phone: _________________________________________

To release information and records to (Person or facility):

Address: ____________________________________________________________________

Phone: __________________________________________

About: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Born on: _________________________________________

Whose Social Security number is: _____________________________________ for the following purpose(s):

These records concern the time between: _______________________________________ and _______________________________________________

I have had explained to me and fully understand this request/authorization to release records and information, including the nature of the records, their contents, and the consequences and implications of their release.  This request is entirely voluntary on my part. I understand that I may take back this consent at any time within 90 days, except to the extent that action based on this consent has already been taken.  This consent will expire automatically after 90 days from the date on which it is signed, or upon fulfillment of the purposes stated above.

Signature of Directee: ________________________________________     Printed name: _______________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________

I witness that the person understood the nature of this request/authorization and freely gave his or her consent.

Signature of witness: _________________________________________    Printed name: _______________________________________________

Date: ___________________________________________